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Monday, February 17, 2014

Poll Time!

 Since we're having February break me and my best friend and I got really bored so we decided to think of the most random things to say.
We want to know what you think is the most random. So leave your opinion in the comments.
  • Pina Colada Puzzles
  • Peanut Butter Butler
  • Clock Flavored Pizza
  • Lifesaver Calculators 
  • Sausage TV's
  • Lacrosse Stick Cars
  • Banana Lamps
  • Magic Tooth Brush
  • House of Pringles
  • Cheese Snorkels
A bet is relying on this so choose carefully.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Best Day Ever!

I'm so excited because we're going to go to our first Percussion Ensemble competition. The only downside is wearing a ton of make up. We also got wifi! Yes, I know finally entering the 21st century. This also means I can start posting pictures! I'm also have my brother order the Phat fiber box for me while I'm gone. Could this day get any better?
- SpinKnitLove12 :)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


It feels that this week has been stress filled. It's actually made me start to make me fall into old habits. Tune out in school, forget knitting, etc. I feel like I don't even care anymore. It's just that my parents don't care my dad doesn't even really have an excuse. Sure he's a workaholic but he shows up to all my sister's basketball games. My mom is a stay at home one but the only time she gets out of the house is go to my sister's stuff. It's kind of unfair you know they'll take me to the stuff I want to do but I don't get support. I bet if my sister wasn't in Percussion Ensemble my parents wouldn't show up to that either. 
I guess it doesn't matter, I have friends that support me, that's all that matters. Sure, I'm the smart one but I'm also the neglected one.
In spinning matters I lost the beginning on my bobbin again. Can't they invent something to find it for you?! 
I'm finishing up on this knitting pattern, the Twisted Sisters Cowl, suffering from my Startis (If you read Worsted For Wear you would understand this) I haven't finished the Zig Zag socks which is really pathetic, and I've only finished the ribbing on one of the Manly-Man Man Mittens. Double-pointed needles are evil!
It goes so much slower! :(
Can't wait for our first official Percussion Ensemble Show in East Irondequoit this Saturday! I'll keep you posted!
- SpinKnitLove12 :)
P.S. My sympathy to Weekend Knitter on her injured skein of hand-spun. :(

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fishy Knitting!

I forgot my dad's birthday is this Saturday so I had to give up my spinning. I had a sick day yesterday which sort of helped between the coughs. Today school was cancelled so I'm doing pretty good. What am I making? Manly-Man Man Mittens! My dad has been begging me for a pair of convertible gloves for a while so I hope these work. I found them on Ravelry and besides the difficulty of using dpn's it's going pretty good, I totally recommend them.
Sorry I couldn't get the picture smaller.
On the other hand I want to make a big long term project that won't be too  big on the needles. SO I was reading the Knit Princess cartoon and stumbled along this pattern called A Recipe for Fish. You can find it on Ravelry here if you want an assortment of pictures and for the pattern you go here. 
I'm also disappointed. my favorite blog One Crazy Fiber Lady hasn't posted in a while. :(
Have a good week! -SpinKnitLove12 :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Spinning Wheel News!

[Illustration]I have been hooked on my spinning wheel lately. The only reason I have had trouble treadling is because my dad but it together wrong but my brother fixed it. I have already spun 2 bobbins full of yarn that I think is just gorgeous. I'm going to ply the brown and the white while watching the super bowl later. 
I also have wanted to name my spinning wheel. My mom suggested Rapunzel but that has nothing to do with spinning whatsoever. I've been thinking Queen Victoria or the princess from sleeping beauty but then I found this fairy tale called The Golden Spinning Wheel. The character Dobrunka (what I'm calling my spinning wheel) is sort of like Cinderella except she only has 1 evil sister ans an evil mother. I don't really want to summarize the fairytale but you should really read it.